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Working in English with great colleagues first attracted Ashley to Valtra

Ashley Penn is a Communications Specialist working in the Communications and Digital Marketing Team at Valtra. He is originally from the UK and appreciates being able to work in English.  For Ashley, Valtra's genuine commitment to sustainability and the great range of friendly and helpful teammates makes for a pleasurable working environment.

"My Finnish language skills are not at a professional level, so I'm really grateful that Valtra is so internationally minded, and all my work can be done using the English language. My colleagues support me really well, and everyone here can speak really fluent English." - Ashley Penn

Ashley Penn originally trained in horticulture and then landscape architecture in the UK. When he moved to Finland with his Finnish wife, he found his career took an unexpected turn. 

"Most of my work in the UK as a landscape architect was report writing. This wasn't easy when I moved to Finland. Things are very different here. I began to look around for other work." Ashley says.

Ashley had previous experience in writing and publishing for online publishers and had been managing his previous employer's social media presence for many years. 

Valtra identifies potential and invests in people

Ashley is grateful that Valtra was able to see potential in him and hire him for his skills and personality, even though his professional qualifications were in another specialism.

"When I saw the role of Communications Specialist advertised at Valtra, I felt it suited me perfectly. I have some experience with tractors from many years ago when I was studying horticulture, but nothing more recently. I was worried that I might not be able to change my career so drastically without retraining. However, my manager at Valtra saw my potential and took me on."

English as a working language at Valtra

Ashley admits that his Finnish skills are not at a professional level, and in the past, this has proven to be a barrier to employment in other companies. 

"I speak some conversational Finnish, but not to a professional level. Luckily, everyone I've met at Valtra speaks really good English. Our team's meetings are mostly held in English. My lack of Finnish has never been a significant barrier to my career at Valtra." 

Ashley's own team is multicultural, with some five different countries represented on the team. He enjoys working with people of different backgrounds and believes the diversity of his team plays a role in its success. 

Remote working and commuting to Central Finland

Ashley lives in the Tampere area with his wife and two children but travels to the Suolahti factory whenever he is needed. 

"Valtra offers the flexibility to work from home. However, I do also enjoy working at the factory. As my home is in another region, I can claim a tax benefit for renting a local apartment close to the factory. Compared to the Tampere area, housing is quite affordable in Central Finland. With the tax advantage, this works out both cheaper and more convenient than using hotels."

Sustainability provides meaningful work at Valtra

Coming from a horticultural and land-based background, sustainability is a top priority for Ashley. It's something he feels Valtra also believes in. 

"I really like working for a company that is very genuine about sustainability. It's not just a buzzword at Valtra. It's cool to work at a factory that is entirely run on renewable energy."

Valtra, a fair employer

Ashley believes Valtra is a fair employer. He appreciates the small, but growing number of international employees at Valtra, and that everyone has made him feel welcome. 

"For me, the most important thing about work is to have a good atmosphere. I enjoy being part of a friendly team and have always been made to feel very welcome." 



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