Businesses and segments

Jouni helps out on his home farm during his time off

Jouni Kautto comes from a grain and forest farm in the village of Mämme in Äänekoski, just a few tens of kilometres from the Valtra factory. He is studying International Business at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and is currently doing an internship at Valtra.

"I study International Business at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and work on my thesis in the evenings. My current contract is for one year, but I could stay here permanently if I find a suitable position after graduation." - Jouni Kautto

Jouni Kautto joined Valtra through a summer job. The boss at his previous job knew people at Valtra, and he recommended that he apply to Valtra. Jouni put in his official summer job application and the job came through. Now he has been working at Valtra for just under a year.

"I study International Business at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and work on my thesis in the evenings. Initially I worked in the warranty team in maintenance and from November onwards I worked in procurement. My current contract is for one year, but I could stay here permanently if I find a suitable position after graduation," says Jouni Kautto.

Working in procurement

Jouni is currently working on the procurement of spare parts.

"We order spare parts from suppliers. I help the procurement specialist by confirming orders, making dispatch lists, and asking about orders when necessary," Jouni says.

Farming and forestry in his spare time

Jouni Kautto lives alone in the centre of Äänekoski, but often visits his childhood home to help out on the farm.

"I participate in field and forestry work as much as I can. I like to be out there. I drive the tractor dozens of hours a year, but not hundreds. We have a 2008 T-series for field work and ploughing in winter, and a 1990 6400 for forestry. Today, the farm is run by an older brother after a generational change."

Jouni has several friends working at Valtra, but not exactly on the same team. In Jouni’s close circles, Valtra is a highly valued place to work.

"It's been everything I imagined it would be. The work, the colleagues and the working atmosphere are good. The food is really good and the hours are flexible. Sometimes you can finish earlier or come in later, when you work a longer day. This already feels like my own industry."

Jouni has also considered continuing his studies to Master's level. This could also be done while working, as it has been easy to combine studies and work so far.


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