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The G Series – A wolf in sheep’s clothing

Einar Holden still works as a farmhand on the family farm that his son Jan Eirik has taken over. This winter he has been clearing snow with a G125 Versu fitted with a Dalen 2013 snowblower, and he is pleasantly surprised by how much snow the G-series can handle. Photo: Jan Eirik Holden.


Einar Holden passed the torch onto his son Jan Eirik, who also sells Valtra machines and runs the family farm at Ulsberg in Rennebu, Norway. He has used their Valtra G125 Versu for snowblowing with a Dalen 2013-XTPA and is amazed at how much power it has.

"In 1998 I bought my first Valtra, a 6400, and since then we’ve had Finnish tractors here on the farm. I've had a Valtra 6300, a Valtra 6550 and, not least, a Valtra 6850 that was incredibly good in the forest. I kind of regret selling it, as they are worth their weight in gold today," says Einar Holden.

The farm in Rennebu south of Trondheim, Norway primarily produces milk and has a quota of 550 tonnes, as well as meat production with around 80 bulls for slaughter last year. In addition, they do some ploughing and harvest 300-400 cubic metres of forest annually. Their son Jan Eirik also works part-time as a Valtra salesman in the area.

I ran a joint farm with Jan Eirik until I turned 62, when his wife took over my share, but I still drive a tractor and work as a farm labourer. We have a T234D and an N174D, but when they were both busy elsewhere, I connected the snow blower to the smaller machine, a G125 Versu. I was curious how such a light and small tractor would work with a big snowblower, but it went really well. Even when I unhooked the front snow plough, it was no problem. The G Series is stronger than you think, quite simply a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The Valtra G125 Versu is equipped with much of the technology found in larger Valtra series. Holden chose to equip the tractor with full Valtra Guide. The tractor is driven with a field sprayer and seed drill, among other things.

Last year, Jan Eirik drove a four-blade reversible plough with the G Series during ploughing in the autumn. "We ploughed about 100 acres, and that wasn't a problem with the G125 Versu. Even though I'm used to slightly larger tractors, I'm pleasantly surprised by how much muscle the G-series packs," says Holden senior.

The 5th generation
G Series

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