Businesses and segments

New logistics centre in full swing

The new 10,000-square-metre logistics centre at Suolahti is now fully operational. The logistics centre has been handling all parts needed on the assembly line since August. Since the turn of the year, all parts on the subassembly lines have also passed through the logistics centre.

The handling of parts entering the warehouse and being delivered to the assembly line is semi-automated. The SAP system knows the exact equipment selected by each individual customer for their tractor and uses lights to guide the collector to the right parts, pick up the right quantity and put the parts in the right place in the collection trolley.

“The new logistics centre can handle a larger number of parts. Parts are now unloaded indoors, which Improves working conditions and protects the quality of the parts. Occupational safety has also improved with less forklift truck traffic,” says Logistics Manager Tommi Terävä.

Around 1000 pallets of parts arrive at the centre each day. The shelves inside are 11 metres high, and the building has a volume of 100,000 cubic metres. Altogether, the new logistics centre stores around 10,000 parts.